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Skills for a Changing World


The Center for Universal Education at Brookings will host its annual Research and Policy Symposium, which will focus on the current global movement toward recognizing the full breadth of skills within national education systems.

Through a series of public and private discussions, the symposium will highlight the latest research and practices on how curriculum, assessment, and pedagogical processes are expanding to include skills such as problem solving, creativity, and communication. Policymakers, teachers, researchers, and thought leaders will discuss how to design and implement the breadth of skills approach to ensure all children have high-quality learning opportunities that build the necessary skills to create vibrant, healthy societies in the face of changing social, technological, and economic demands.

Additional details will be shared in the new year. Until then, please save the date. For any questions, please contact cue@brookings.edu.

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UNESCO Week for Peace and Sustainable Development: The Role of Education


‘The UNESCO Week for Peace and Sustainable Development: The Role of Education’ presents a unique platform for discussion on two key programmes of the Education Sector, namely Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED), and their practical contribution in achieving Target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Education. The Week will focus on the issue of teachers and teacher training, and highlight best practices in the fields of ESD and GCED. Participation is by invitation only.

UNESCO and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO are jointly organizing this Week for Peace and Sustainable Development which will present the unique opportunity to bring together two important events organized back-to-back with sessions open to all participants:
• Review Forum for the UNESCO Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD: implementation and innovation
• Third UNESCO Forum on Global Citizenship Education (GCED): the Role of Teachers

The Week will provide space to share and discuss trends and innovation in pedagogical approaches and practices in ESD and GCED, as well as exchange good practices in advancing GCED and ESD in our global context. The Week has been designed to maximize opportunities for interaction, networking and free debates and discussions among participants.

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eLearning Africa 2017: Learning in context


In Africa, context is all-important. No-one can afford to ignore it. It is a vital factor in decisions affecting investment, job-creation and development.

Africa is a continent, not a single country – a fact many outsiders forget. It has 54 countries and 5 time zones. Political conditions vary and, although growth rates have been rising across Africa, individual economies differ widely in both their performance and prospects. Whilst urbanisation is taking hold, communities still cling proudly to their rural traditions and most Africans, especially women, are still employed in agriculture. Across the continent, as many as 3,000 different languages are spoken, with 500 in Nigeria alone.

So, in education and training, an understanding of context is essential. As new communication technologies extend the reach of opportunity, it is vital for educators, policy makers, partners and investors to take account of the local context and conditions.

So what are the main contextual and cultural considerations affecting the development of new opportunities through technology supported learning? How can we localise content to maximise opportunity? How should we apply or adapt technology to meet local conditions and needs?

Above all, in an Africa that is changing rapidly, how can we maintain and safeguard our connection to tradition and context?

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Learning and Teaching for Sustainable Development: Curriculum, Cognition and Context

What is taught and learnt are at the heart of education’s contribution to sustainable development. It is through the construction of curricula that certain knowledges, skills, attitudes and values are prioritised and learning organised across the wide range of educational settings and levels. International education policy debates in this millennium have been dominated by access and, more recently, quality, without sufficient attention to questions of what is and might be learned and taught, and how. Such debates are needed and will be profoundly influenced by new understandings of learning processes and how these vary across learning settings and contexts. Prioritisations of what should be taught and learnt are always political as well as technical. Crucial here too is the rise of attention to what individuals and communities value in terms of a set of capabilities that for them define sustainable development.

The global context is significant in setting the agenda. The recent period up to 2015 saw a focus on a “learning crisis” and the realisation that the challenge was not simply to get children into schooling but to ensure that they learn more effectively. The arrival of the SDGs brings a new insistence that the challenge is broader still. SDG4 insists on equity and quality, but of lifelong learning, not just schooling. Both SDG4 and the wider set of 17 SDGs, moreover, bring a new set of questions about what different actors think should be learnt across all levels and modes of lifelong learning about a wide range of aspects of life, from energy and water use to promoting peace and gender equality.

A revisiting of the content of education is simultaneously a revisiting of education’s purpose.  We assume that educational development should: provide all citizens with basic competencies and the opportunity to learn more; reduce the chasm in levels of achievement between students and between countries; and encourage attitudes and values that promote peaceful social evolution. However, the detail of responses to these imperatives will vary across locations and between different levels of education. For instance, it is important to consider what they mean in adult education contexts as compared to in primary schooling.  Moreover, such questions need to be framed in relation to goals for:

  • social development that balances equity with incentive, rights with obligations, re-distributive contributions with safety nets, and reshapes the preferences of the next generation to eschew conflict, provide for universal basic needs and live within planetary boundaries;
  • political economy that values the future over the present, promotes tolerance and co-existence, contests destructive ideology, and offers constructive pathways towards responsible participation and viable economic strategies;
  • economic policy that responsibly manages production and employment, redistributes income and benefits, and creates more investment in wellbeing and for public services free at the point of use; and
  • science and technology that transforms health, agricultural and industrial productivity, clean energy production, and the ability to respond to social wants and needs.


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DETA Conference 2017


Distance Education and Teacher Education in Africa

Theme: Getting practical about Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 in Teacher Education in Africa

According to United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator, Helen Clark, “world leaders have an unprecedented opportunity this year [September 2015] to shift the world onto a path of inclusive, sustainable and resilient development”. Accessing ‘quality education’ (SDG 4) has a major role to play in attaining the 17 goals earmarked as SDGs to transform our world. Quality education is a sine qua non for lifelong quality knowing, being and doing in the 21st century. While commendable efforts have been made through universal education, inclusive and quality education still seems to be a problem in many parts of the world, especially in the developing countries of the South. At the centre of this is teacher education. Achieving the 2030 agenda for the SDGs will remain only an aspiration, especially in Africa, if adequate attention is not paid to the quality of teacher education and support, both pre- and in-service.

A focus on quality education requires Teacher Education in Africa to reflect on what it deems to be quality education for the learner in Africa. Quality education is anchored in the need for education to address the existential needs of persons, communities and nations, as well as the global labour market. The world, as a global village, rests on the quality of education to sustain development for local and international contexts. Distance education is seen as an important contributor to address global labour market skills shortages by providing quality education for lifelong learners in more flexible and context-responsive ways.

The DETA 2017 Conference will create a platform for African educationists to deliberate on how Africa could get practical about achieving SDG 4 in Teacher Education in Africa. These deliberations will be guided by the theme and the following subthemes of the conference:

  1. Promoting inclusive education for access
  2. Implementing strategies to address disability issues in education
  3. Ensuring quality education for development
  4. Enacting competency-based and Africa-centric curricula and classroom practices
  5. Modelling ICT and ODeL modes of provision for education and teacher development in Africa
  6. Developing professional learning communities

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IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour


While significant progress has been made globally in the fight against all forms of child labour between 2000 and 2012,1 with ILO constituents having increasingly adopted and implemented integrated strategies and coordinated policies to combat child labour the goal that was set to eliminate it in its worst forms by 2016 was not achieved.

Under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda, UN Member States, employers’ and workers’ organizations, as well as civil society organizations, are urged to eliminate child labour by 2025, and forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking by 2030. In order to contribute to this goal, the ILO launched Alliance 8.7 , a global partnership designed to align the efforts of those working towards the achievement of SDG Target 8.7.

In this framework, it was agreed that the IV Global Conference should cover both the sustained eradication of child labour and the elimination of forced labour and, in this context, it will also address the issue of the quality of youth employment.

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Werelddoel 4: Iedereen in 2030 toegang tot goed onderwijs


Als vervolg op de Millenniumdoelstellingen zijn voor de periode 2015 tot 2030 17 Werelddoelen (Global Goals) vastgesteld om hiermee richting te geven aan wereldwijde acties voor duurzame ontwikkeling. SISABplus streeft ernaar om in haar volgende bijeenkomsten aandacht te besteden aan deze doelen en met u hierover van gedachten te wisselen tijdens de bijeenkomsten.

Op deze avond zal Henk van den Heuvel van de VU Amsterdam onderwijs in ontwikkelingslanden  en ervaringen presenteren over zijn betrokkenheid bij het hoger onderwijs in Ethiopië.
De discussie over het thema wordt ingeleid met een presentatie over de kwaliteitsverbetering van het onderwijs in Peru dat mede door Stichting HoPe is bereikt. HoPe heeft 160 scholen opgezet
Beide sprekers hebben zeer veel ervaring opgedaan met projecten  in het veld en zullen dan ook hun visie geven op welke manier Werelddoel 4 gehaald zou kunnen worden.

Iedereen die interesse  heeft voor  internationale samenwerking en in het bijzonder over het bereiken van Goed Onderwijs  in alle landen zoals beoogd in Werelddoel 4  zal deze avond zeker boeien, de nodige informatie brengen  en u inspireren om een bijdrage aan de werelddoelstellingen te leveren.

SIBAplus (Stichting Internationale Samenwerking in Breukelen e.o.) wil alle ervaring en kennis die er in de regio Stichtse Vecht is op het gebied van internationale vraagstukken is met elkaar uitwisselen en dit voor iedereen beschikbaar maken via de website.

19.45    Ontvangst met koffie of thee.

20.00    Opening, welkom en  mededelingen
Door Voorz.  Ad van Dongen

20.10    Inleiding over  Goed onderwijs in ontwikkelingslanden met als referentie Hoger Onderwijs   in Ethiopië
            Door Dr. Henk van den Heuvel; directeur van het Centrum voor Internationale Samenwerking van de Vrij Universiteit Amsterdam.

21.55    Pauze.

21.10    Discussie  over Werelddoel 4 met informatie over de voortgang van het onderwijs in het binnenland van Peru onder leiding van Maarten Elling Voorzitter van Stichting Hope. Zie voor      het onderwijsproject  http://www.stichtinghope.org/index.php/projecten

21.40   Afronding met netwerken onder genot van een hapje en drankje.

21.55    Einde


Toegang is gratis. Wij verzoeken u zich vooraf aan te melden voor 24 juni  door een email te sturen naar dongenac@hetnet.nl 

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Launch of the 2017/8 GEM Report Accountability and Education: Meeting our commitments


The GEM Report team is pleased to announce that the 2017/8 Report, ‘Accountability in Education: Meeting our Commitments‘ will be released on October 24, 2017. This Report tracks the world’s progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 and its targets. It also shows how important and relevant accountability is in education. It shows that education is a shared responsibility and that we all have a role to play in contributing to SDG 4.  When accountability works, there are clear lines of responsibility and a roadmap for taking action when problems arise. When accountability is absent or weak, negligence and abuse can take hold. And when accountability is badly designed, there can be negative side effects that can put the achievement of our global goal at risk.

You can join the conversation already by tweeting at @GEMReport, or by using the hashtags #WhosAccountable and #CountOnME. You can also stay abreast of launch events around the world by visiting the Events page.


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The role of innovation in reaching the Education Commission’s goals


The Center for Universal Education at Brookings (CUE) and the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity (Education Commission) will co-host the launch of a report, “Can We Leapfrog? The Potential of Education Innovations to Rapidly Accelerate Progress,” on innovation and the potential to “leapfrog” education systems around the globe to provide breadth of skills for all learners. The report investigates innovation in the education ecosystem through a global scan of education practices and recommends actions furthering the Education Commission’s call for increased innovation to transform global education. The event will feature an overview of the report’s findings by Rebecca Winthrop, senior fellow and director of CUE, and showcase key innovators and implementers in the education sector.

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FAWE Conference on Girls’ Education in Africa and the 10th Triennial General Assembly


The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) will host the first of its kind Conference on Girls’ Education in Africa and the 10th Triennial General Assembly in Lusaka, Zambia.

The inaugural Conference on Girls’ Education in Africa seeks to identify strategies and opportunities for promoting youth leadership and engagement in regional, continental and international education dialogue on gender equality with a specific focus on the African Union’s Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 16-25) and Agenda 2063.

This conference comes at a time when FAWE is also celebrating 25 years since its founding in 1992. FAWE’s 10th Triennial General Assembly and the visioning for the next five-year strategic plan 2019-2023 will also be taking place at the conference.

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IV Global Conference on the Sustained Eradication of Child Labour


While significant progress has been made globally in the fight against all forms of child labour between 2000 and 2012,1 with ILO constituents having increasingly adopted and implemented integrated strategies and coordinated policies to combat child labour the goal that was set to eliminate it in its worst forms by 2016 was not achieved.

Under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the 2030 Agenda, UN Member States, employers’ and workers’ organizations, as well as civil society organizations, are urged to eliminate child labour by 2025, and forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking by 2030. In order to contribute to this goal, the ILO launched Alliance 8.7 , a global partnership designed to align the efforts of those working towards the achievement of SDG Target 8.7.

In this framework, it was agreed that the IV Global Conference should cover both the sustained eradication of child labour and the elimination of forced labour and, in this context, it will also address the issue of the quality of youth employment.

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Teacher education and improving learning opportunities for vulnerable children and youth: what role for development cooperation?


Lunch seminar with Prof Kwame Akyeampong, Professor of International Education and Development at the Centre for International Education, University of Sussex:

Teachers and teacher education are key to shaping the educational experiences of disadvantaged students. Prof Kwame Akyeampong argues that teacher education and teachers can and should be in the forefront of challenging stereotypes and creating learning opportunities to demonstrate that disadvantaged students, given the right conditions and support, can make similar gains as advantaged students. He argues that international education cooperation needs a sharper vision focused on how education systems can improve teacher education and teaching to bridge the learning gap between disadvantaged and advantaged students. Furthermore, he points out that the current challenge for international education cooperation will be to attend to this issue and take the opportunity of working towards systemic reform to achieve equitable learning outcomes for all students, especially those from poor backgrounds. In his conclusion, Prof Akyeampong will argue that building more effective international learning on improving learning for vulnerable students is of crucial importance for achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 4 on education.

Prof Kwame Akyeampong began his academic career in Ghana at the University of Cape Coast. Until his appointment at the University of Sussex in 2004, he served as the Director of the Institute of Education at the University of Cape Coast. His research interests cover teacher education in the global south, evaluation of large scale education programmes, policy and practice of education in developing country context, and mathematics education. He has a particular interest in the political economy of education systems in low-income countries.

Kwame Akyeampong’s research has aimed to offer alternative viewpoints on educational policy and practice based on critical perspectives and experiences of policy makers, school leaders, teachers and students in African education environments. He has worked on numerous international research and evaluation projects with organisations such as UNESCO, JICA, DFID and the World Bank. From 2011 to 2013, Kwame Akyeampong served as senior policy analyst with the Education for All Global Monitoring Report team in UNESCO, Paris.

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8th Annual Global Education Conference


The eighth annual Global Education Conference is a free online event bringing together educators and innovators from around the world. The entire virtual conference will be held online using the Blackboard Collaborate platform.

The Global Education Conference is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators, and organizations at all levels. It is designed to significantly increase opportunities for building education-related connections around the globe while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity. To attend this year’s conference and to be kept informed of the latest conference news and updates, please join this network.

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GEMR 2017/8: who is accountable for the right to education in the South?


‘Accountability’ – dat is het thema van het Global Education Monitoring Report 2017/8: wie waakt over onderwijs, en hoe? Met de jaarlijkse rapporten brengt het GEMR-onderzoeksinstituut in kaart hoe het in de wereld vordert met de internationale onderwijsdoelen, waarbij per rapport een speciaal thema wordt uitgelicht.

Goed onderwijs is als eerste een zaak voor nationale overheden. Maar overheden in ontwikkelingslanden hebben daar niet altijd de middelen, expertise of capaciteit voor, of stellen andere prioriteiten. Andere partijen – donoren, onderwijsinstellingen, maatschappelijke organisaties, private sector – proberen vaak in te springen waar overheden iets laten liggen. Op nationaal, regionaal en mondiaal niveau.

Op deze Internationale Dag voor de Rechten van het Kind organiseert GCE-NL een bijeenkomst over de rol die Nederlandse maatschappelijke organisaties spelen bij het recht op onderwijs in ontwikkelingslanden. Het speelveld voor Nederlandse maatschappelijke organisaties is de afgelopen jaren behoorlijk veranderd. Bracht dat alleen beperkingen en belemmeringen mee? Of zijn er ook nieuwe kansen ontstaan? Nieuwe of andere vormen van samenwerking? Wat is precies de meerwaarde van maatschappelijke organisaties? Welke potentie blijft nu nog ongebruikt? En wie waakt eigenlijk over het recht op onderwijs voor iedereen?

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Global Education Report: roep elkaar ter verantwoording


Nederland heeft zich gecommitteerd aan de Sustainable Development Goals van de Verenigde Naties. De onderwijsdoelstelling (SDG4) is om tegen het jaar 2030 toegankelijk en hoogwaardig onderwijs te verzorgen voor iedereen. Maar doen we dat ook? De Unesco Commissie presenteert de 2017/8-editie van het Global Education Monitoring Report (GEMR). Het thema van deze editie is Accountability – verantwoording afleggen.

Leerlingen: Leren we wat we willen leren en hoe kunnen we dat versterken?
Leraren: Wat drijft wat we onze leerlingen leren en wat vinden we daarvan?
Bestuurders: Bieden we alle leerlingen dezelfde kans op succes en hoe kunnen we verder verbeteren?
Overheid: Kunnen alle groepen gelijkwaardig deelnemen aan het onderwijs en wat zijn barrières die dat in de weg staan?
Maatschappelijke organisaties: wat dragen wij bij aan SDG4 en wie kan ons helpen bij het realiseren ervan?

Het bericht Global Education Report: roep elkaar ter verantwoording verscheen eerst op GCE-NL.

Global Education & Skills Forum


Each year the Global Education & Skills Forum brings together world leaders from the public, private and social sectors seeking solutions to achieving education, equity and employment for all.

Over two days, more than 2,000 delegates at the Global Education & Skills Forum share, debate and shape new ways for education to transform our world. The Forum culminates in the awarding of the Global Teacher Prize – recognition that every child deserves an exceptional teacher.


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Webinar on disability and inclusive education


The Global Partnership for Education, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education of Comoros, Deaf Child Worldwide, Voluntary Services Overseas (Kenya), organized the next session of the its Webinar Series 2017. The webinar will draw upon the experiences and knowledge of governments, development partners, and INGOs who have been working to promote disability-inclusive education in GPE partner countries.

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Emancipation Through Education: Closing the Gender Gap

Gender equality in education has improved in the past 20 years globally, but a lot remains to be done. How to ensure that girls and boys, and women and men, cannot only access education and complete education cycles but also empower them equally, especially in the Global South? What are the barriers to gender equality globally in education policies and practices?

We have invited speakers from various backgrounds to share their experiences and to reflect on the role of education in closing the gender gap as well as to discuss the problems that women and girls face in the classroom today. The event will conclude with a panel discussion which enables the audience to engage with the speakers and ask further questions.

Herman Kruijer, SRHR advisor of Edukans, will explain the role that NGOs can play in ensuring gender equality by bringing his experiences from the development field.

Anke van Dam, strategic policy advisor based at the Social Development Department of the Dutch Foreign Ministry, illustrating international policy implications and possibilities in relation to education and gender equality.

Marielle le Mat, junior researcher/lecturer in the Education & International Development research, cluster at the University of Amsterdam, representing the academic view, presenting her research on gender and sexuality in education

Doors open at: 17:30
Seminar starts: 18:00
Drinks and networking space: 19:30
Location: REC Room C0.02, University of Amsterdam

This public event is open to anyone interested, and is organised as part of the IDS Master course Education, Development and Social Justice coordinated by dr Mieke Lopes Cardozo.


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Refugee education webinar 3: Improving outcomes for all


With speakers from

  • Libraries Without Borders
  • International Rescue Committee & Global TIES for Children at New York University
  • Teachers for Teachers
  • Save the Children

Drawing on real life situations through 18 case studies from more than 10 countries, the Promising Practices in Refugee Education initiative – a partnership of Save the Children, UNHCR & Pearson – set out to identify, document, and promote innovative ways to effectively reach refugee children and young people with quality educational opportunities.

In the last of three sessions, we’ll be exploring how partners’ experiences have focussed on improving outcomes for all, and the challenges this can bring. A discussion with our partners will explore the recommendations, including how to ensure quality by supporting teachers, prioritising both learning and well-being, the use of technology, and building a robust evidence base.

Join us to hear more from our partners, what led to these recommendations and more about their innovative projects.


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World Literacy Summit 2018


Whilst the World Literacy Summit always centres on literacy and the role it plays in improving peoples lives from year to year we identify a theme that is central. At the last Summit we concentrated on the theme of “Literacy to End Poverty”. In 2018 we would like to concentrate on the Empowering Aspect of Literacy and we have decided to adopt the theme of “Closing the literacy gap in the 21st Century”.

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